0 avis
Michael Bisio (1955-....) - Eyvind Kang (1971-....). Violon
Eyvind Kang, violon
Edité par Meniscus - paru en P2000
Michael Bisio (1955-....) - Creative improvised music projects - P1997
Michael Bisio (1955-....) - creative improvised music projects - P1998
Eyvind Kang (1971-....) - Tzadik - 1998
The earth and the moon. Jewel of the NADE. Theory of the supreme ones. The anointment. Min...
Eyvind Kang (1971-....) - I Dischi di Angelica - 2003
Go in a good way to a better place. I am the dead. Doorway to the sun. Occultum lapidem. H...
Eyvind Kang (1971-....) - Tzadik - 2007
The clown's song. Enter the garden. The Yelm sessions. Fire in wind. Locus iste / Anton Br...
Eyvind Kang (1971-....). Compositeur. Piano. Violon - Tzadik - 2012
Eyvind Kang (1971-....) - Ipecac Recordings - 2012
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