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John Zorn (1953-....). Musicien - Bill Laswell (1955-....). Musicien
Edité par Tzadik - paru en C 2023
John Zorn (1953-....). Interprète - Orkhestra - C 2022
Bill Laswell (1955-....) - Distrib. Mélodie - 1989
Take a chance. I'm the one. Time Out. Let me have it all. Come down. Holding on. Memories....
Bill Laswell (1955-....) - Sub Rosa - 1997
Digitaria. Faktura. Dislocation. Extinguisher. Third stage navigator. Wird.
Bill Laswell (1955-....) - Sub Rosa - 1998
Virus. Autopia. El hombre invisible. Red night.
Bill Laswell (1955-....) - BMG - 1998
Raag sohni. Black lotus. X-zibit-i. Dèrive. Saiyanikasegaye. Driftwork. Aab yaad kar tu.
Bill Laswell (1955-....). Éditeur scientifique - Felmay - 1998
Generation stage awakening. Water transformation : chhu. Fire channels : me. Fluids emanat...
Bill Laswell (1955-....) - Wicklow - 1999
Habana transmission : 1 Avisale a la Vecina dub, 2 Cuban evolution ; Chacon and Daniel ; L...
Bill Laswell (1955-....) - Tzadik - 1999
Black aether. Commander Guevara. Oceans of borrowed money. Aisha. Night air & low frequenc...
Bill Laswell (1955-....) - Palm Pictures - 1999
Intime ; No guts no galaxy ; Hisstory / Ramm Ell Zee, voix.... Conspiracies / Kool Keith, ...
Bill Laswell (1955-....) - Quatermass - 2000
Shyvamythscience. Black ice.
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