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Laurie Anderson (1947-....)
Edité par WEA - paru en 1989
Laurie Anderson (1947-....). Interprète - Warner Music - C 2024
Laurie Anderson est de retour avec un album en hommage à Amelia Earhart, la célèbre aviatr...
Laurie Anderson (1947-....) - Distrib. Warner - 1989
Strange angels. Monkey's paw. Coolsville. Ramon. Babydoll. Beautiful red dress. The day th...
Laurie Anderson (1947-....) - Distrib. Warner - 1986
Smoke rings. White Lily. Late show. Talk normal. Language is a virus. Radar. Sharkey's nig...
Laurie Anderson (1947-....) - Warner Bros - 1984
Sharkey's day. Langue d'amour. Gravity's angel. Kokoku. Excellent birds. Blue lagoon. Shar...
Laurie Anderson (1947-....) - Warner Bros - 1994
Speechless. The puppet motel. Speak my language. World without end. Freefall. Muddy river....
Laurie Anderson (1947-....) - éditeur Warner Bros - 1995
The end of the world. The salesman. The night flight from Houston. Word of mouth. The soul...
Laurie Anderson (1947-....) - Warner - 2001
One white whale. The island where I come from. Pieces and parts. Here with you. Slip away....
Laurie Anderson (1947-....) - Nonesuch - 2002
Here with you. Statue of Liberty. Let X=X. Sweaters. My compensation. Washington street. P...
Laurie Anderson (1947-....). Chanteur - Nonesuch records - 2010
Le DVD (48 min) contient : "Homeland : The story of the lark" (41 min) et "Laurie's violin...
Laurie Anderson (1947-....). Compositeur - Nonesuch records - 2007
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