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Paul Simon (1941-....). Musicien - Thandiswa Mazwai. Chanteur
Jimmy Cliff, chant ; Ladysmith Black Mambazo, interpr.
Edité par Legacy - paru en 2016
Paul Simon (1941-....). Musicien - Legacy - 2016
Thandiswa Mazwai - Warner Bros - 2009
Paul Simon (1941-....) - Warner Bros - 1988
Mother and child reunion. Me and Julio down by the schoolyard. Something so right. St.Judy...
Paul Simon (1941-....) - Distrib. Sony - 1990
Scarborough fair/Canticle. Patterns. Cloudy. Homeward bound. The big bright green pleasure...
Paul Simon (1941-....) - Sony - 1990
Bookends Theme. Save the life of my child. America. Overs. Voices of old people. Old frien...
Paul Simon (1941-....) - Sony - 1988
El condor pasa. Cecilia. Keep the customer satisfied. So long, Frank Lloyd Wright. The Box...
Paul Simon (1941-....) - Geffen - 1988
Mrs Robinson. Homeward Bound. America. Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard. Scarborough Fa...
Paul Simon (1941-....) - Paul Simon - 1990
The Obvious Child. Can't Run but. The Coast. Proof. Further to Fly. She Moves on. Born at ...
Paul Simon (1941-....) - Distrib. Warner - 1988
Mother and child reunion. Me and Julio down by the schoolyard. Something so right. St. Jud...
Paul Simon (1941-....) - CBS Records - 1990
Mrs Robinson. A hazy shade of winter. At the zoo. Bridge over troubled water. El condor pa...
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