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Recordings of music for film
Edité par Warp - paru en 2002
Extraits de : "The way it is" (1983) : Her smell theme ; The girl of her dreams ; A brown lung hollering ; The way it is waltz ; Glad to be unhappy ; Brown storm poem ; Good bye sadness, hello death ; Brown daisies ; And a colored sky colores grey ; Fishing for some friends ; Six laughs once happy ; Sunny and cloudy ; No more papa mama ; Fatty and skinny. "Buffalo '66" (1998) : Lonely boy ; A falling down Billy Brown : Drowning in brown ; A somewhere place ; A wet cleaner ; Sixteen seconds happy ; With smiles & smiles & smiles ; A cold and grey summer day. "Downtown '81" (1981) : Brown 69 ; Dum beet ; Me and her. "If you feel froggy, jump" (1979) : Ass fucker ; I think the sun is coming out now.