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John Martyn (1948-2009)
Edité par EMI - paru en 2001
John Martyn (1948-2009) - Distrib. Polygram - 1990
You can discover. Dancing. Certain surprise. Dealer. Call me crazy. Sweet little mystery. ...
John Martyn (1948-2009) - Permanent - 1992
Lonely love. Couldn't love you more. Sweet little mystery. Head and heart. Could've been m...
John Martyn (1948-2009) - éditeur Island - 1995
Over the hill. Don't want to know. I'd rather be the devil. Go down easy. Dreams by the se...
John Martyn (1948-2009) - Island - 1986
Night life. Lonely love. Angeline. One step too far. Serendipity. Who believes in angels. ...
John Martyn (1948-2009) - éditeur Island - 1997
Dealer. One world. Smiling stranger. Big muff. Couldn't love you more. Certain surprise. D...
John Martyn (1948-2009) - Island - 1990
Solid air. Over the hill. Don't want to know. I'd rather be the devil. Go down easy. Dream...
John Martyn (1948-2009) - Independiente - 2004
Baby come home. Under my wing. Ghosts. Back to Marseilles. Cobbles. My creator. One for th...
John Martyn (1948-2009) - Universal-Island Records - 2005
Go easy. Bless the weather. Sugar lump. Walk to the water. Just now. Head and heart. Let t...
John Martyn (1948-2009) - Universal Island Records - 2005
Fine lines. Eibhli ghail chiun chearbhail. Ain't no saint. Outside in. The glory of love. ...
Sing a song of summer. The river. Goin' down to Memphis. The gardeners. A day at the sea. ...
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