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Andrew Lloyd Webber (1948-....)
Edité par EMI - paru en 1985
Andrew Lloyd Webber (1948-....) - P. Beuscher - 1989
Chants Jalupates pour chats Jalupates. Amélie Ron Ron. Bustopher Jones. Le vieux Mathusale...
Andrew Lloyd Webber (1948-....). Compositeur - Distrib. Polygram - 1989
Ouverture. Chants Jalupates pour chats Jalupates. Comment appeler un chat ?. Invitation au...
Andrew Lloyd Webber (1948-....) - MCA - 1992
Requiem for Evita. Oh what a circus : requiem. On this night of a thousand stars. Buenos A...
Andrew Lloyd Webber (1948-....) - The really useful group plc - 1987
Think of me. Angel of music. The phantom of the opera. The music of the night. Prima donna...
Andrew Lloyd Webber (1948-....) - Really useful - 1989
Railway station at Pau, 1961. A small theatre in Montpellier. A cafe in Montpellier. The r...
Andrew Lloyd Webber (1948-....) - Madacy music group - 1993
Extraits de : Phantom of the opera ; Jesus Christ Supertstar.
Andrew Lloyd Webber (1948-....) - Faber Music - 1981
Overture. Prologue : jellicle songs for jellicle cats. The naming of cats. The invitation ...
Andrew Lloyd Webber (1948-....) - Warner - 1996
A cinema in Buenos Aires, 26 july 1952. Requiem for Evita. Oh what a circus. On this night...
Andrew Lloyd Webber (1948-....) - Really useful group - 1985
Partition pour soprano enfant et ténor ST.
Andrew Lloyd Webber (1948-....) - Really useful group - 1987
Any dream will do ; Close every door : Joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat. Jesus...
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