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The Michel Legrand songbook
Edité par H. Leonard - paru en 1988
After the rain. Ask yourself why. Blue, green, grey and gone. Breezy's song. Catch a pebble. Everything that happens to you happens to me. Faded roses. First time. First time I heard a bluebird. Hands of time. Happy. Her hair. His eyes, her eyes. How do you keep the music playing. I still see you. I was born in love with you. I will say gooodbye. I will wait for you. Let me be your mirror. Look. Love and learn. Loving me, loving you, loving me. Make me forget. Martina. Mon amour. No matter what happens. Nobody knows. On my way to you. Once upon a summertime. Once you've been in love. Once at a time. One day. Orson's theme. Papa, can you hear me. Paris was made for lovers. Penny by Penny. Piece of sky. Pieces of dreams. Place of bittersweet. Rose in the snow. Saddest thing of all. Something new in my life. Summer knows. Summer me, Winter me. SWeet gingerbread man. There'll be time.- (etc). Chant, piano et guitare (diagrammes).