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Kate Bush (1958-....). Chanteur
Edité par EMI - paru en 1978
Kate Bush (1958-....) - EMI - 1989
Sat in Your Lap. There Goes a Tenner. Pull out the Pin. Suspended in Gaffa. Leave It Open....
Kate Bush (1958-....) - EMI Records - 1992
Symphony in blue. In search of Peter Pan. Wow. Don't push your foot on the heartbrake. Oh ...
Kate Bush (1958-....) - Distrib. Emi - 1993
Rubberband girl. And so is love. Eat the music. Moments of pleasure. The song of Solomon. ...
Kate Bush (1958-....) - EMI Records - 1985
Hounds of love : Running up that hill (a deal with God) ; Hounds of love ; The big sky ; M...
Moving. The saxophone song. Strange phenomena. Kite. The man with the child in his eyes. W...
Kate Bush (1958-....) - EMI - 1987
Babooshka. Delius. Blow away. All we ever look for. Egypt. The wedding list. Violin. The i...
Kate Bush (1958-....) - EMI - 1986
Wuthering heights. Cloudbusting. The man with the child in his eyes. Breathing. Wow. Hound...
Kate Bush (1958-....) - EMI - 2005
King of the mountain. PI. Bertie. Mrs. Bartolozzi. How to be invisible. Joanni. A coral ro...
Kate Bush (1958-....) - EMI - 1997
Kate Bush (1958-....). Compositeur - I.M.P. - 2005
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