
Slow writing : Thom Andersen on cinema

Andersen, Thom

Edité par The Visible press ; C 2017

SLOW WRITING is a collection of articles by Thom Andersen that reflect on the avant-garde, Hollywood feature films, and contemporary cinema. His critiques of artists and filmmakers as diverse as Yasujirō Ozu, Nicholas Ray, Andy Warhol, and Christian Marclay locate their work within the broader spheres of popular culture, politics, history, architecture, and the urban landscape. The city of Los Angeles and its relationship to film is a recurrent theme. These writings, which span a period of five decades, demonstrate Andersen’s social consciousness, humour and his genuine appreciation of cinema in its many forms.Thom Andersen’s films include the celebrated documentary essays "Eadweard Muybridge, Zoopraxographer" (1975), "Los Angeles Plays Itself" (2003), and "The Thoughts That Once We Had" (2015). Together with Noël Burch, he produced primary studies of the Hollywood Blacklist in the form of the book "Les communistes de Hollywood: Autre chose que des martyrs" (1994) and film "Red Hollywood" (1996). (source : éditeur)

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